Recommended reading

- Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth (Peter Kelder, 1998) - a scientifically-proven set of exercises to promote healthy body and longevity (or immortality, if you believe in such things). Also known as the five Tibetan rites.
- Can't Hurt Me (David Goggins, 2018) - David is a living proof that everything is possible. Amazing and powerful story especially as an audiobook.
- Do Your Om Thing (Rebecca Pacheco, 2015) - yoga is more than just an exercise. This book gives an easy to understand introduction to this (otherwise quite hard to grasp) path.
- Enlightenment Now (Steven Pinker, 2018) - we are living in the best time in human history, despite what we are continuously being told.
- How to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie, 1936) - how not to be an asshole when interacting with people.
- Mind Over Medicine (Lissa Rankin, 2013) - this book shows how thoughts have more power than doctors and pills.
- Paulo Coelho, various books (especially The Pilgrimage) - soulmates, love, magic, fate, spirituality - there is more in this world than it might seem.
- She Comes First (Ian Kerner, 2004) - this should be included in compulsory reading.
- The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts (Gary Chapman, 2014) - nice theory explaining what people need in a relationship and how they express it, which might not match the partner's preferences.
- The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation (William Hart, 2009) - summary of famous 10-day Vipassana course (Although I still prefer the course for the experience).
- The China Study (T. Colin Campbell, 2004) - probably the most exhaustive research on plant-based vs animal protein and its influence on cancer.
- The Miracle of Fasting (Paul Bragg, 1972) - strange book full of nonsense (demonizing salt, promising 120+ years life, selling whatever, etc.), but with a strong message of importance of fasting and healthy (mostly vegan) eating.
- The Power of Intention (Wayne W. Dyer, 2004) - why complaining and feeling bad do not work (the last chapter is the best).
- The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle, 1997) - this one is tough for me, but I keep returning to it hoping that one day, it all clicks.
- The Road to Unfreedom (Timothy Snyder, 2018) - great explanation of Russia's current politics of spreading lies, gaining power and fuck normal people.
- Think Like a Monk (Jay Shetty, 2020) - finally some modern monk-life and wisdom-related book which is much easier and funny to read (audiobook version recommended).
- Way of the Peaceful Warrior (Dan Millman, 2006) - easy to read motivational novel of how to live by good principles.
- Why Buddhism is True (Robert Wright, 2017) - we were designed to spread our genes and that can result in a lot of unhappiness. Luckily, mindfulness meditation can help here.
- Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice (Shunryu Suzuki, 1973) - guide to zazen meditation by pure practice. No talks about religions or philosophies, including Buddhism.
Interesting stuff
Do you even lift? Yoga and weight lifting! (Breathe and Flow)
Short video explaining how giving up gym and lifting can help with functional
strength - the only kind of strength important in our daily lives. I highly
recommend trying any yoga workout from this couple. Their strength is really
The Earthing Movie
A short documentary movie about the importance of staying connected to the
Earth through physical contact. The movie claims that our constant living
indoors and wearing shoes disconnect us from the energy field of the Earth
resulting in inflammation, which is a leading cause of most of the
civilization diseases. More information is available in their
Guide to Earthing.
Becoming Superhuman with Ice Man (Yes Theory)
Wim Hof is a legend when it comes to cold exposure. His famous program
promises to help with inflammation and autoimmune diseases. In this
documentary a group of people from Yes Theory are trying his method. As always
they created an extremely watchable video.
Why Did Steve Jobs Die? (Dr. McDougall)

Why You Should Stop Reading Self-Help Books (Rich Roll)
It doesn't matter how many self-development books or sources we read and how much knowledge we soak, unless we find a way to implement it in our lives. It makes no sense to read more and more and to hope that in that next book, we will find an answer to all our problems. It is also a waste of time to make complex notes if we don't live the message.
Feeling angry or stressed?
Just watch this video and all will be great again.