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Interesting stuff

Do you even lift? Yoga and weight lifting! (Breathe and Flow)

Short video explaining how giving up gym and lifting can help with functional strength - the only kind of strength important in our daily lives. I highly recommend trying any yoga workout from this couple. Their strength is really impressive. 

The Earthing Movie

A short documentary movie about the importance of staying connected to the Earth through physical contact. The movie claims that our constant living indoors and wearing shoes disconnect us from the energy field of the Earth resulting in inflammation, which is a leading cause of most of the civilization diseases. More information is available in their Guide to Earthing

Becoming Superhuman with Ice Man (Yes Theory)

Wim Hof is a legend when it comes to cold exposure. His famous program promises to help with inflammation and autoimmune diseases. In this documentary a group of people from Yes Theory are trying his method. As always they created an extremely watchable video. 

Why Did Steve Jobs Die? (Dr. McDougall) 

Why did Steve Jobs died on cancer when he was vegan? And why is his friend Steve Wozniak still alive even when he is eating in fast foods? Was Steve's decision to postpone surgery and try vegetable and fruit cleanses the right one? And the most importantly, how much must have affected him never ending comments from doctors and his loved ones about potential harmfulness of veganism?   

Why You Should Stop Reading Self-Help Books (Rich Roll)

It doesn't matter how many self-development books or sources we read and how much knowledge we soak, unless we find a way to implement it in our lives. It makes no sense to read more and more and to hope that in that next book, we will find an answer to all our problems. It is also a waste of time to make complex notes if we don't live the message.

Feeling angry or stressed?

Just watch this video and all will be great again.